Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Project Post: Fascinating New York City

So you ask why New York City is So Facinating? Well if you take my view on thing is the greatest place on  earth. Yea I know you've herd that a million and one times... But coming from a Brooklyn born, Bronx raised New York City native it might just sound a little more convincing.Sure us New Yorkers can be a little rude but thats our way of life, things move fast here in the big apple and if its not moving fast enough then we push it out of our way no im just playing (Insert big cheesy smile here). trust me ive been to alot of other cities and I personally could never move too far away from new york city. Energy, noise, pace, diversity, options, opportunity and food just a few things that makes New York city so exiting to me,

I love the energy of the city, even on a sunday its always so alive and with 24 hr subway service its so easy to get anywhere. But since I drive the fact that I can get anything that I possibly want at anytime of the day or night. If I want to buy an iphone at 3am I could, or if I want a haircut at 4am that is also possible. The city life is a fast one, days go by so quickly its you really have to appreciate them. The diversity in this city is really a sight to see.... when you walk the streets of N.Y you see all types of faces from african to asian to south american a little bit of everything, the people are so nice once you get to know them its amazing. With so many ethnicities comes many types of foods, restaurants on every corner its so hard to choose but whenever your in the mood for anything your sure to find it here. Jay Z said it best in Alicia Keys "Empire State Of Mind" "In New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made, oh There's nothing you can't do, now you're in New York" if you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere its a tough life but its a good life.

Bright inspiring lights or rats in every corner its one of a kind the city the people, youll find something you love here as much as I do.At the end of the day you will never find anyone as heart warming and as welcoming as us new yorkers, when its time for us to stick together we do.

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