Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Project Post: American Museum of Natural History

Trust me theres nothing better than having a fun day without spending a ton of money. So lets say your bored and have nothing to do and not much money. What do you do? you take an awesome fun yet educational trip down to The American museum of natural history. This museum is was part of the movie "Night in the Museum" and is dedicaated to president roosevelt. Sure the price listed is at 20 something dollars, but what you dont know is that the price is suggested because the museum is funded by tax payers dollars so you can pay what you wish just dont be a cheapsake about it.You can spend hours in the exhibit halls of the American Museum of Natural History. With 4 floors of exhibits you're sure to find something to interest everyone in your group! Honestly the places I recomend you take a look at are the bones exhibit. In the dinasaurs exhibit they have an awesome Tyrannosaurus Rex . At 65 million years old, the fossilized bones of the original t-rex are arranged in a walking position. Geat way to take your mind back a couple million years ago..

The AMNH is huge, with 4 floors and you could waste a whole day in here. We looked at fossils of ancient dinosaurs and also discovered Asian People and South American People. We wandered around in here and enjoyed every bit of it. The museum itself is kind of confusingly arranged, but once you get used to it, you can find your way around, definately have atleast 4 or 5 hours free to visit trust me its a must.

American Museum Of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street New York, New York, 10024-5192 Open Daily from 10 a.m-5:45 pm

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