Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Project Post: About Me

About the best to let people know places to go to in NYC. No only will you have a fun experience, but you will know some history on the place visited. My goals is to attract people or tourist to visited these interesting and fun experience.

My audience will be tourist, people who come from other nations for the first time or often. I'm a blogger that would like to attract tourist and people around the area keep them coming to the places in NYC. Their problems will not be about money to visit these places or experiences.

The content will achieve many tourist to enjoy their stay in NYC. But not only will they enjoy it, even real New Yonkers will enjoy visiting the blog and reading my experience with such places. When people read others experiences it will help them make their own experience a lot more enjoyable since they already know what to watch for

The content will be presented through a blog. Now a days the general audience enjoy reading and learning things through someones own perspective&experience.I'm going to publish through

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