Monday, December 10, 2012

Project Post: Empire State Building

Empire State Building 

You cant ride by city without noticing that huge skyscrapper wih alll the pretty lights on top. The Empire state buildin is a 102 skyscrapper located in mid town Manhattan. After the 9/11 atacks on the Twin Towers it stands as the tallest building in NYC. It opened in 1931. The name comes from New York Citys own nickname: The Empire State. There are 102 floors but the main observatory is on the 86th floor.The construction took only one year and fourty five days. Aproximately Four and half floors were built each week. Now the building houses around 1,000 businesses and has its own zipcode,10118. In 2007, approximately 21,000 employees work in the building each day, making the Empire State Building the second-largest single office complex in America. 

Perhaps what makes the empire state building so admirable is its awesome lighting at night. They change colors depending on seasons and events. Just recently the empire state got a a makeover with new floodlights that can display up to 16.7 million color possibilities, in digital combinations of ripples, sparkles, sweeps and strobes. Pretty cool  since the old floodlights, added in 1964 only came in 10 colors. Thats a whole new range of posabilities now.

All in all if your in the city to visit the empire state is a must with its obervatory on the 86 floor you can get a peep of all of NYC in just a couple of minutes.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Project Post: Downtown Manhattan

Downtown Manhattan

When you think of NYC what do you think of awesome people, the Brooklyn Bridge,awesome shopping and Lady Libety. Well the awesome part about that is it can all be found in just downtown manhattan. Yup you herd me right all of this just south of central park. Take a look for yourself

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Project Post: Fascinating New York City

So you ask why New York City is So Facinating? Well if you take my view on thing is the greatest place on  earth. Yea I know you've herd that a million and one times... But coming from a Brooklyn born, Bronx raised New York City native it might just sound a little more convincing.Sure us New Yorkers can be a little rude but thats our way of life, things move fast here in the big apple and if its not moving fast enough then we push it out of our way no im just playing (Insert big cheesy smile here). trust me ive been to alot of other cities and I personally could never move too far away from new york city. Energy, noise, pace, diversity, options, opportunity and food just a few things that makes New York city so exiting to me,

I love the energy of the city, even on a sunday its always so alive and with 24 hr subway service its so easy to get anywhere. But since I drive the fact that I can get anything that I possibly want at anytime of the day or night. If I want to buy an iphone at 3am I could, or if I want a haircut at 4am that is also possible. The city life is a fast one, days go by so quickly its you really have to appreciate them. The diversity in this city is really a sight to see.... when you walk the streets of N.Y you see all types of faces from african to asian to south american a little bit of everything, the people are so nice once you get to know them its amazing. With so many ethnicities comes many types of foods, restaurants on every corner its so hard to choose but whenever your in the mood for anything your sure to find it here. Jay Z said it best in Alicia Keys "Empire State Of Mind" "In New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made, oh There's nothing you can't do, now you're in New York" if you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere its a tough life but its a good life.

Bright inspiring lights or rats in every corner its one of a kind the city the people, youll find something you love here as much as I do.At the end of the day you will never find anyone as heart warming and as welcoming as us new yorkers, when its time for us to stick together we do.

Project Post: Empada Mama

Hell's Kitchen, also known as Clinton and Midtown West, is a neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City between 34th Street and 59th Street, from 8th Avenue to the Hudson River.... and right in between of 51st and 52nd st on 9th avenue there is a nice little spot called Empanada Mama not too be confused with Jackson Heights "Mama Empanadas" which by the way is also awesome. The empanadas are AMAZING! I love the variety. Only downside is the space issue, there isn't a lot of space but it is cozy to a many occasions you do have to make a line or a wait period of atleast 20 minutes.It's an exciting hole in the wall place painted in bright green, red, and yellow. It fits no more than 20 people, with a sliver of bar top seating to keep the space lively or extremely cramped-- take your pick. During the warmer months, they'll have a table or two out on the sidewalk and fit another 2-4 people outside Ive been here about 4 or 5 times and on each occasion we had to wait. Their menu is awesome if you want a heavy meal or just looking to fill up the belly while you walk the NYC streets.

  The food is great-- well priced and delicious. I usually go for the desayuno colombiano,reggaeton, and cheese empanadas. All are extremely flavorful and go amazingly with the chimichurri sauce. The plantain chips with guacamole are delicious, I don't know how else to describe it. They're crispy/crunchy and go perfectly with the smooth and tangy flavor of the guacamole. And if the empanadas aren't enough, they have a yummy entrana a la plancha grilled skirt steak marinated with traditional herbs and spices. served with white or yellow rice, black or red beans, salad and chimichurri sauce. The chimichurri sauce (the green one) goes with everything and if your old enough to drink they always have sangria specials which are a must try. Besides being so small the place is great.

Project Post: American Museum of Natural History

Trust me theres nothing better than having a fun day without spending a ton of money. So lets say your bored and have nothing to do and not much money. What do you do? you take an awesome fun yet educational trip down to The American museum of natural history. This museum is was part of the movie "Night in the Museum" and is dedicaated to president roosevelt. Sure the price listed is at 20 something dollars, but what you dont know is that the price is suggested because the museum is funded by tax payers dollars so you can pay what you wish just dont be a cheapsake about it.You can spend hours in the exhibit halls of the American Museum of Natural History. With 4 floors of exhibits you're sure to find something to interest everyone in your group! Honestly the places I recomend you take a look at are the bones exhibit. In the dinasaurs exhibit they have an awesome Tyrannosaurus Rex . At 65 million years old, the fossilized bones of the original t-rex are arranged in a walking position. Geat way to take your mind back a couple million years ago..

The AMNH is huge, with 4 floors and you could waste a whole day in here. We looked at fossils of ancient dinosaurs and also discovered Asian People and South American People. We wandered around in here and enjoyed every bit of it. The museum itself is kind of confusingly arranged, but once you get used to it, you can find your way around, definately have atleast 4 or 5 hours free to visit trust me its a must.

American Museum Of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street New York, New York, 10024-5192 Open Daily from 10 a.m-5:45 pm

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Project Post: 10 NYC Fun Facts You Didnt Know About.

10 Fun Facts You Didnt Know About NYC.

New York City is one of the most amazing cities in the world. Here are some fun facts to make you say "wow".

1. There are 6,374.6 miles of streets in New York City.

 2. The Brooklyn Bridge was the first bridge to be lit using electricity.

3. More than 250 feature films are shot on location in New York City each year.

4. New York City has 4,000 street food vendors.

5. The Federal Reserve Bank on New York’s Wall Street contains vaults that are located 80 feet beneath the bank and hold about 25 percent of the world’s gold bullion.

6. 36% of the current population of New York City was born outside the United States.

7. The Dutch supposedly bought Manhattan from its Native American inhabitants for about $24 worth of trinkets. ( bet their pretty mad about that sale now)

8. New York's Yellow Cabs are yellow because John Hertz, the company's founder, learned from a study that yellow was the easiest color for the eye to spot. He was right.

9. More than 18,600 restaurants and eating establishments do business in New York City, and the average cost of a dinner in 2006, according to the Zagat Survey, was $39.43. That includes a drink, tax and the tip

10. The New York City subway system runs 26 routes with 6,200 subway cars that stop at 468 different subway stations.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Project Post: Hurricane Sandy

    Weather you live in the NorthEast or not im sure youve herd of Hurricane Sandy and all of its damages it has left in peoples homes and hearts. Lets take time out of our regular day and pray for all of those people who have lost it all and are still suffering. Trust me I was a bit skeptical on how hard she was going to hit since last year everyone went all out for tropical storm Irene, and nothing but heavy rains and a couple of trees falling. The day before the storm hit my parents and i preped our house for the storm, since its under construction we had to tie down a couple of things in our backyard very last minute. As soon as the wind started hitting at least 40 miles per hour things started flying our neigbors tree fell within minutes and all the things we tied down were already starting to flop over. As me and my brother went to the backyard to fix a couple of material the gate started tilting back and forth, so we just gave up and came inside, when we walked into the house the door slammed open letting hundreds of leaves in the house. With that said we had no other choice but to sit in the house and watch Family Guy, through out the night the light kept dimming and the with was so strong the rumors of it sounded like a lion were defiinately true. Hopefully we live in the North Bronx so little if no damage was made. But its really shocking and a sad to think that our neigbors ( new jersey...lower manhattan...brooklyn...staten island...long island.... and queens) lost many homes and people are living in shelters, or withough electricity. Believe it or not Sandy has affected millons, situations like this are just not expected in the north east. It has trully humbled millions of families, we now have an idea of what people in 3rd world countries feel on a daily basis. My beloved follower please do not hesitate to donate to the Red Cross or any org that are helping out people get thru Sandy... Its going to take time but little by little we will get back to normal. The Northeast stays Strong.